School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
TIME: 5:15 p.m.

July 29, 2014 Special Meeting-Public Hearing

Call to Order
Public Hearing on the Budget
1. Review the Rolled-Back Rate Calculation and the 2014-15 Millages
Attachment: Handouts-Roll Back Rate.pdf

Dr. George Copeland, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, briefly explained the  rolled-back rate calculation, and the 2014-2015 millages.  Based on the roll-back rate, there will be a tax increase next year.

2. Review the Tentative 2014-15 Budget (All Funds)
Attachment: Handout-Budget Summary.pdf
Minutes: Dr. Copeland reviewed a budget summary for fiscal year 2014-2015.  The proposed District budget for next year is $312,462,943.00.
3. Public Hearing for Comments on the 2014-15 Budget and Millages


Chairman Studdard opened the public hearing.

Seing there was no one present to speak to the budget, and the public hearing was closed.

Action Items
4. Adopt the 2014-15 Required Local Effort Mill Levy

Motion to adopt the required local effort mill levy of 4.9740 mills which is (0.12) percent more than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Tina Bullock
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

5. Adopt the 2014-15 Basic Discretionary Operating Mill Levy

Motion to adopt the basic discretionary operating mill levy of 0.748 which is 2.54 percent more than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Tina Bullock
Second: Lisa Graham
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

6. Adopt the 2014-15 Local Capital Improvement Fund Mill Levy

Motion to adopt the Local Capital Improvement Fund Mill Levy of 1.500 mills which is 2.54 percent more than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Johnna McKinnon
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

7. Adopt the 2014-15 Total Mill Levy

Motion to adopt the total mill levy of 7.222 mills which is (.86) percent more than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Johnna McKinnon
Second: Janice Kerekes
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

8. Adopt Tentative 2014/15-2018/19 Educational Facilities Plan
Attachment: Educational Facilities Plan Revised 2014.pdf


Motion to adopt the tentative 2014/15 - 2018/19 Educational Facilities Plan.

Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Tina Bullock
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

9. Adopt the 2014-15 Tentative Budget (All Funds) and set the Public Hearing for the 2014-15 Final Budget Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Motion to adopt the Tentative 2014-15 Budget of $312,462,943 and to set the public hearing for 2014-15 Final Budget for Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Teacher Training Center at Fleming Island High School.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Tina Bullock
Second: Lisa Graham
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

10. Professional Services Contract with Clay County Health Department-Object 0310
Attachment: HepatitisBMemo___ (2).pdf

Approve the Director of Purchasing to issue purchase orders for the above services.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Janice Kerekes
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Superintendent Requests (There were none.)
School Board Requests

Minutes: Mrs. McKinnon wondered if the influx of immigrant children in other school districts was affecting Clay County and what the requirements are for enrolling them.  Mr. Bickner stated that we can delay the requirements for shot records but that we are required to take the students. 

Adjournment (5:25 p.m.)

